Contemporary Diagnoses of Society: Times of Crises and Polarization –and a Call for “Politische Bildung”
Keynote Speaker May Jehle talks about the theme:
Times of Crises and Polarization –and a Call for “Politische Bildung”
What is to be done? –Strategies and Considerations at Various Levels
What is to be done? –Strategies and Considerations at Various Levels
Keynote Speaker 2 May Jehle: What is to be done? –Strategies and Considerations at Various Levels
The Historical Development of “PolitischeBildung“
The Historical Development of “PolitischeBildung“
Keynote Speaker May Jehle talks about the theme: The Historical Development of “PolitischeBildung“
Contemporary Diagnoses of Society: Times of Crises and Polarization –and a Call for “Politische Bildung”
Contemporary Diagnoses of Society: Times of Crises and Polarization –and a Call for “Politische Bildung”
Keynote Speaker May Jehle talks about the theme:
Times of Crises and Polarization –and a Call for “Politische Bildung”
NOKSA2024: Keynote Speaker II
NOKSA2024: Keynote Speaker II
Civic education is always linked to imaginations and concepts of our current and future society and political system. That’s why we also need historical reflections in order to understand core concepts of civic education which has evolved over time. With regard to the German tradition of „Politische Bildung“ we can retrace the historical development of core concepts and basic ideas in the light of societal developments and the needs of the political systems. This historical reconstruction of core concepts and discourses on their implementation sheds light on specific tensions between affirmation and emancipation in the field of civic education. Proceeding from this reconstruction the talk will draw some lines to current the current discourse on “Politische Bildung” in Germany which focuses especially challenges for democracy by populism, extremism and societal polarizations. Following these lines the talk will lead to a discussion, how we can think “Politische Bildung” considering this polarization.

May Jehle did her doctorate on comparative case studies based on classroom videos from East and West Berlin between 1978 and 1993 at the University of Vienna. She worked in several projects in the field of video-based, subject-specific and subject-integrative teacher education at the universities in Frankfurt/Main and Mainz. Since October 2023 she holds a visiting professorship for the Didactic of Civic Education at the University Dresden. Her research interests are history of civic education, video-based classroom research, civic education and societal transformations, reflexive teacher education, subject-oriented, emancipative and solidary civic education.
NOKSA2024: Keynote I
NOKSA2024: Keynote I
In this keynote, Associate Professor and Head of the Hans Christian Andersen Center at the University of Southern Denmark, Torsten Bøgh Thomsen, will introduce 19th century deliberations on art and nature as expressed in Hans Christian Andersen’s writings. The views on the human, nature and materiality that arise in Andersen’s texts are interesting in relation to current philosophical and aesthetic discussions about climate and the environment. Not only because Danish romanticism in many ways produced views on nature and humanity that are still in effect, but also because romanticism unfolded alongside the industrialization that set global warming in motion. Andersen wrote with a skepticism in relation to human self-aggrandizement, an ambivalence towards romantic glorification of nature and a sensibility towards the material world that seems strikingly relevant in our time.
Learning To Notice Quality
Learning To Notice Quality
07.10.2020 LEARNFOOD Seminar på UiA. Dag 2. Co-creation og intro til Örebro Universitet 2021
07.10.2020 LEARNFOOD Seminar på UiA. Dag 2. Co-creation og intro til Örebro Universitet 2021
Denne video viser, hvordan samskabelse foregik i grupper på Dag 2 i Projekt LEARNFOOD, der er støttet af Nordplus Horisontal.
06.10.2020_ Projekt LEARNFOOD Nordplus seminar_Frøydis Nordgaard Vik om 'Skolematsprojektet'.
06.10.2020_ Projekt LEARNFOOD Nordplus seminar_Frøydis Nordgaard Vik om 'Skolematsprojektet'.
Dr. Frøydis Nordgaard Vik, præsenterer det afsluttede 'Skolematsprosjektet' på UiA 2015.
06.10.2020_Projekt LEARNFOOD Seminar d. 6.-7.oktober 2020.
06.10.2020_Projekt LEARNFOOD Seminar d. 6.-7.oktober 2020.
Instituttleder Anne Selvik Ask giver præsentation af 'Institutt for ernæring og folkehelse' på Universitetet i Agder. Det sker ved starten af seminar/webinar i Projekt LEARNFOOD, der er støttet af Nordplus Horisontal.
29.09.2020 Strandgårdskolen LOMA_webinar_ Elsebeth Holm
29.09.2020 Strandgårdskolen LOMA_webinar_ Elsebeth Holm
Udeskolevejleder, Elsebeth Holm, holder oplæg omkring de metoder hun og lærerne anvender når Sproghaven inddrages om læringsrum. Endvidere, hvordan Sproghave og LOMA køkken indgår i undervisningen i dansk og matematik.
29.09.2020 Strandgårdskolen LOMA_fra undervisning i matematik og madkundskab.
29.09.2020 Strandgårdskolen LOMA_fra undervisning i matematik og madkundskab.
Optagelserne blev foretaget i forbindelse med et fagligt seminar på Strandgårdskolen i Ishøj Kommune. Formålet var efteruddannelse indenfor LOMA mad- og måltidspædagogik for pædagogiske medarbejdere på folkeskoler. Seminaret var tilrettelagt af Strandgårdskolen i samarbejde med Landsforeningen LOMA-lokal mad og UCL. Det blev gennemført som et webinar på grund af covid19 restriktioner. Se mere om LOMA-lokal mad på www.lomaskole.dk
UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole
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